Women's Poetry of Late Imperial China: ,对于想了解历史故事的朋友们来说,Women's Poetry of Late Imperial China:是一个非常想了解的问题,下面小编就带领大家看看这个问题。
原文标题:Women's Poetry of Late Imperial China:
Women's Poetry of Late Imperial China:
This study of poetry by women in late imperial China examines the metamorphosis
of the tropes ofthe“inner chambers ”(gui),to which women were confined in traditional Chinese households and which in literature were both a real and an imaginary place.Originally popularized in 6th century “palace style ” poetry,the in
ner chambers were used by male writers as a setting in which to celebrate female beauty,to lament th
e loneliness of abandoned women,and by extension ,to serve as a political allegory for the exile of loyal and upright male ministers spurned by imperial court.Female writers of lyric poetry soon adopted the theme,beginning its transition from male fantasy to multidimensional representation of women and their place in society,and eventually its manifestation in other poetic genres as well.Professor Kang -I Sun Chang reviewed that:”Li discussed convincingly how Ming-Qin
g women’s literary discourse both relates and challenges the existing power(mainly male)structures in Chinese literature.”
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本文标题:Women's Poetry of Late Imperial China:;本文链接:http://gazx.sd.cn/zggs/34934.html。