
RCC Perspectives Volume Honouring Jane Carruthers

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  • 2023-09-19 22:34
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RCC Perspectives Volume Honouring Jane Carruthers ,对于想了解历史故事的朋友们来说,RCC Perspectives Volume Honouring Jane Carruthers是一个非常想了解的问题,下面小编就带领大家看看这个问题。

原文标题:RCC Perspectives Volume Honouring Jane Carruthers

RCC Perspectives Volume Honouring Jane Carruthers
RCC Perspectives Volume Honouring Jane Carruthers
The Edges of Environmental History:
Honouring Jane Carruthers
Edited by Christof Mauch and Libby Robin

Jane Carruthers is a pioneer of environmental history in South Africa, a leading expert in global and transnational environmental history, and a distinguished biographer. This volume of RCC


Perspectives, featuring artwork of Mandy Martin, is a tribute to her


brilliant career. O


riginating from a workshop in her honour around the 2013 ESEH meeting in Munich,


Germany,the issueexplores partnerships between environmental history and other intellectual endeavours, particularly those where Jane Carruthers’ work has been inspirational: animal studies, natural resource management, the history of biology, and the broader environmental humanities.
How to cite: Mauch, Christof, and Libby Robin, "The Edges of Environmental History: Honouring Jane Carruthers," RCC Perspectives 2014, no. 1.


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本文标题:RCC Perspectives Volume Honouring Jane Carruthers;本文链接:http://gazx.sd.cn/zggs/38661.html。


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