

  • 农业,农资
  • 中国历史故事-小虎历史故事网
  • 2023-08-16 04:15
  • 小虎历史故事网

农业-运动员为啥不敢吃肉? ,对于想了解历史故事的朋友们来说,农业-运动员为啥不敢吃肉?是一个非常想了解的问题,下面小编就带领大家看看这个问题。









A rural woman from Sichuan working as an assistant in the hospital sickroom told an open secret, many people know, but also many people do not know: Disease enter through the mouth, a lot of food people eat, will not but only cause people rapidly enter the “Miserable world”. She said, raising a piglet slightly over 5 kg to an adult pig 100 to 150 kg, only takes 5 to 6 months, the “Modern” rapid pig raising method is completely popularized to thousands to ten-thousands pig raising specialized farmers. Irrespective adult pigs or piglets, they are fed about 1 – 1.5 kg feed, fed to them in two meals. The feed is mixed from 50 kg grain added with a few tens of kilos of additives. All the miracles are contained in the additives. During this phase, the pigs begin to almost sleep 24 hours a day, and wake up to eat only when they are waken up by the famer. To make the pig hair shiny and attractive, enabling to sell the pig at a better price, when the pig reaches about 50 kgs, besides the additives added to each 50 kgs of feed, a few kgs of chemical fertilizer urea granules is added to the feed. Chemical fertilizer intended to be applied to the fields is also added to the feed for animals. These pigs rapidly fattened with feed mixed with additives, must be sold when they reach weight of 100 kgs to 150 kgs, otherwise these pigs would not be able to even stand-up. She also told me: All the chickens, ducks, fish, cows, lambs are all raized with similar “compositional feed”. Searching websites of major animal feed companies will find that Monsanto’s RR soybean is an essential content of animal feed products. The Ministry of Agriculture, please tell us if this is an individual case, or the popular situation. If it is the popular situation, what responsibility does the Ministry bear?



     China Science Journal “The debate on safety of GM animal feed” confirms: “The animal feed used in China most contains GM content”!




    Why must add a lot of drugs to the ani


mal feed? Because, “The animal feed used in China most contains GM content” cause harm to the health of poultry and livestock, must add a lot of drugs to overcome and cover-up the evil consequences caused by GM content animal feed!



     “The Pilegaarden Findings – Animal Health and Welfare” convincingly proved:











   By replaced GM soy with non-GM soy in the feeding schedules on his farm, he observed a number of improvements – including easier farrowing, sows with higher milk yield, fewer dead piglets, more uniform pigs at weaning, lower medication use, a higher farrowing rate and an increase in weaned pigs per pen, with many litters of 14 piglets. Since switching, we have not experienced death from bloat in sows or death by ulcers, as opposed to minimum 1 per month previously. (36 sows died due to stomach related sickness over the last two years before switching). For whatever reason, dead and deformed piglets are a problem in all pig farming situations where GM soy is used in the diet. After changing to non-GM soy feed, all these problems disappeared. “Just the savings I have accomplished in medicine expenses have paid for the extra cost of the GMO-free soy.”



    The Agricultural GMO Safety Administration Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, if you do not accept such accusation, please rebut with scientific research and actual animal raising production facts, and not fence off with lies!



    The Truth of Raising Pigs with “GM feed, chemical additives”: Eating such pork is equal to cronic-suicide!

–  禁止抗草甘膦转基因作物原料进口、开发、种植、销售理由之262





Recently, a rural woman from Sichuan working as an assistant in the hospital sickroom told me about the sixteen pigs she raised in less than six months she sold to the State owned pig purchasing station.


She told me an open secrete, many people know, but also many people do not know: Disease enter through the mouth, a lot of food people eat, will not but only cause people rapidly enter the “Miserable world”.


She said, raising a piglet slightly over 5 kg to an adult pig 100 to 150 kg, only takes 5 to 6 months, the “Modern” rapid pig raising method is completely popularized to thousands to ten-thousands pig raising specialized farmers.


Irrespective adult pigs or piglets, they are fed about 1 – 1.5 kg feed, fed to them in two meals. The feed is mixed from 50 kg grain added with a few tens of kilos of additives. All the miracles are contained in the additives.



When the piglets are raised from about 5 kgs to over 25 kgs, they eat the feed mixed with additives, grow about over 0.5 kg of weight each day. During this phase, the piglets still have energy and activity to round around within the pigpen. But, as they continues consume such feed mixed with the additives for some time, when the pigs grow to over 25 kgs, they still eat 1 kg to 1.5 kg of feed, but begin to drink a lot of water, growing 1 kg to 1.5 kg of meat each day. During this phase, the pigs begin to almost sleep 24 hours a day, and wake up to eat only when they are waken up by the famer. 


To make the pig hair shiny and attractive, enabling to sell the pig at a better price, when the pig reaches about 50 kgs, besides the additives added to each 50 kgs of feed, a few kgs of chemical fertilizer urea granules is added to the feed. Chemical fertilizer intended to be applied to the fields is also added to the feed for animals.


These pigs rapidly fattened with feed mixed with additives, must be sold when they reach weight of 100 kgs to 150 kgs, otherwise these pigs would not be able to even stand-up.


The main content of the additives mixed to the feed: Large amounts of hormones, sleeping drugs, and other large amount of other drugs.


These facts are solid like iron, all the professional pig raising farmers clearly know. For this reason they and their families most do not eat the pigs they rapidly raised with fattening additives, and specially raise a few pigs to which they never feed with such additives, for consumption by themselves and their families.


Comparison of the two methods of pig raising:


1. Pigs fed with feed mixed with additives for sale to the society


2. Pigs fed with feed with no additives for the farmers and families own consumption


Fed with 1 kg to 1.5 kg feed mixed with additives per day


Fed with 3.5 kgs to 4 kgs natural feed with no additives


Besides limited time eating feed and a lot of water, sleeping almost 24 hours per day.


Continually moving around in the pigpen, drinking normal amount of water.


Grow to 100 kg to 150 kg within 5 to 6 months.


Need 12 months to grow to about 100 kgs.


The feed mixed with additives is about RMB1.30 per 0.5kg. The purchasing price for pigs purchased by the State is about RMB4.00 pe


r 0.5kg. Accordingly, raising the pigs for about 5 months, upon deducting the cost, she could earn about a few hundred RMB each month.


If she used the traditional method to raise the pigs, i.e. without additives rapidly fattening within short period of time, she would 100% sure lose money.


She also told me: All the chickens, ducks, fish, cows, lambs are all raized with similar “compositional feed”.


Our country, within a few years time has become the nation with greatest output of meat production, relies on a whole series of “Modern” professional animal raising farmers using such animal feed with various types of rapidly fattening additives, this is a fact solid like iron.
With this paper, I only want to say that the food most harmful to people’s health is pork and pork processed food products which eat the most.
作者博客  红歌会网转载




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